


我感受到Linda 和 Raymand對每一件親手製作的皮衣都視之為交付給每一位客人的作品,而不只是一件貨品 ...

Mr. L., Hong Kong



Judy W., Hong Kong


他們曾為多位影視明星訂製皮褸 ...主理人Raymand & Linda 入行已過了四十個年頭,經驗豐富專業細心 ...支持本地創作,大力推介!

Miu Fung & Wave Chow, Hong Kong


我最喜愛的Off shoulder Bikers jacket,因物料是PVC今年終於粉碎了!
主理人Raymand & Linda 入行已過了四十個年頭,經驗豐富專業細心,

Miu Fung & Wave Chow, HK

感謝Kam Ma Leather的出品在這個冬天陪着我!

幾個月前在網上找到Kam Ma Leather,便到他們的工作場一試,Bonnie 同Linda都熱情招待,有傾有講,除了介紹不同皮衣的款式外,還教我怎樣的剪裁可再令我穿起來瘦一點!
Kam Ma Leather 有很多不同質地的皮革和顏色選擇,花裡亦有不同款色,拉鍊也有很多種,可以慢慢襯到合心水為止!
大約一個月左右,師傅會照款做一件Mock-up給我試,長、短、大、小、款式、Mock-up 後還可以再改到合身合心。
剛好這個冬天不太冷,它就陪伴我整個冬天,而且越穿越軟!我給Kam Ma Leather一百個like!

Fiona, HK


好幸運地,我喺Facebook遇上了金馬。點解咁講呢!? 我係一個既心急又有要求的人,最怕遇上一些冇反應回覆慢的公司,因為對我來講一開頭已經令我印象唔好,咁就唔使再傾落去喇,無謂嘥大家時間。
Bonnie很會跟進㗎!不會像某些踢一踢先郁一郁的公司,她回來後已很快幫我安排約見Raymond 同Linda。Raymond 同Linda同樣好nice㗎!而且非常健談又好會聆聽客人意見。令我可以暢所欲言唔使怕唔好意思講清楚我想要嘅嘢!甚至乎連我沒有考慮到的問題,他們都能從我的說話當中考慮到我的需要再加添意見給我,你知啦做一件自己稱心滿意嘅皮褸溝通真係好重要,最重要係對方真的了解你需要。☺
當中給予我很多意見務求令我的皮褸造出來更完美稱心。完全唔會嫌棄我麻煩㗎,相反佢哋比我更加長氣好細緻講出每個重點位讓我更理解! 但係其實我係好欣賞佢哋呢一份細心,完全唔怕佢哋長氣。咁樣先代表佢哋係做事認真同專業,令我非常放心交托給他們。☺

Emily, HK



Devina, HK


Got a Thank You card from the customer telling me how happy she is with the coat. Pass my congratulations to Raymand and Linda! Happy Customer, Happy Business

Sergio, UK


The jacket fits me very well and I am so pleased to wear it.

Madeleine, Switzerland


Kam Ma offers a great product - the owners are flexible and accommodating for bespoke designs, happy to provide advice. Won't hesitate to work with them again.

Lawrence, Hong Kong

I was captivated by the way in which they worked

I was introduced to Linda and Raymand of Kam ma leather garments workshop by a friend and had a chance to visit their workshop and witnessed how they produced their jackets.
There and then I was captivated by the way in which they worked and the passion Raymand has for leather. Within 5 minutes I selected the style of jacket I wanted and the measurement process started.
On the next day I went for the fitting and had a relaxed discussion with both of them about the trim details. I then left Hong Kong and received regular updates from them about the process. 3 weeks later I received a custom made James Dean black motorcycle jacket in the mail. Coolio!

J. F. Somers, The Netherlands


多年來一直都想擁有一件leather trench coat,剛巧今年春天要到歐洲出席活動,正好給自己一個理由去實踐這心願。奈何在Fast Fashion文化之下、加上香港天氣已很難在連鎖時裝以至名店品牌找到一件合心意的皮革大褸。
作為一個為執念不惜一切的人,甚至走遍香港的一些皮衣廠,但他們都表示再沒有為顧客度身訂造、亦不會開新衣版製作了,只有沿用了多年的衣款現貨,但大多都已經是十多年的款式,即使合身但剪栽款式穿起都不太自在... 又試過在網上找過海外訂製的網店,但畢竟遙遠控制溝通事倍功半、自己度身如何拿捏、郵寄耗時種種都係困難重重,假如做出來的成品不合身,金錢損失是小,浪費時間才是問題。
尋尋覓覓,最終在Google search到了Kam Ma Leather Garments這個名字,網頁製作認真、設計簡約清晰地列出了他們多年來製作過的款式,就嘗試在網頁內留個聯絡,試試能否趕及在出行前完成。迅速地就收到Consultant- Bonnie的回覆,大家在電話對話中耐心溝通、去理解我想要製作的款式,她知道我想趕在一個月時間內完成,就立即約定翌日到workshop跟Raymand 同 Linda見面開始度身製作衣辦,非常高效。
度身訂造絕對不止於合身,更重要是考慮到客人的習慣需要、穿著場合、天氣温度、穿戴配搭等各個細節。例如我的trench coat 主要到歐洲穿著,他們會考慮加添可拆的夾棉內裡保暖,袖長配合手套配戴,袋深足夠收納手套、內裡布料、名字刺繡字樣等各項繁瑣細節都細心體貼地諮詢我的意見,確保這是一件獨一無二完全滿足我要求去製作的皮衣。
從收到的trench coat,我感受到Linda 和 Raymand對每一件親手製作的皮衣都視之為交付給每一位客人的作品,而不只是一件貨品,這一種態度和執著是一般時裝店以至名店品牌都不能買到的經驗。
P.S. 走在歐洲街上,會有途人上前稱讚件trench coat 稱身好看,也是從遠方對Kam Ma 的一種認同吧!

Mr. L., HK

The can-do attitude is what I value the most among their services

I have had 4-5 jackets made by Kam Ma, in both wool and linen. Linda and Raymand are so professional that they provide precise measurement and make fine adjustment during the fitting of the trial sample.
All the craftmenship and details are good, but what’s more important is that their attitude towards the productions, willingness to try and their knowledge on different materials.
I have asked them to make me an overcoat in waxes cotton, which I believe they would be the first to commission such a waxed cotton coat in HK. The can-do attitude is what I value the most among their services, you will find it so happy while discussing the feasibility of making and some technical things with Linda and Raymand.
They also pay attention to the details, especially the lining, making of button holes and the embroidery of your name inside the jacket (if you want, you can try the Chinese characters which I find it’s quite personalise).
If you are looking for some very special design and jackets with best price-quality ratio, I would recommend you Kam Ma for your try.

Mr. Chang, Hong Kong


[English Version]
We have known KAM MA - Raymand and Linda Ma since 2008 when my boss Mr. Harouche started to custom-made his leather jackets. Through the years he has ordered over 100 leather jackets from KAM MA and most of them are masterpieces. Raymand and Linda are very professional and both of them have profound experience in making leather jackets. Their expertise has been proven through their skills- cutting and workmanship. The products of KAM MA are value for money and I will not hesitate to recommend KAM MA to my friends.

​[Chinese Version]我們在2008年認識金馬- Raymand 和 Linda Ma。我老闆 Mr. Harouche 十多年來從金馬訂購應該不少於100件皮夾,其中大有上盛之作。 Raymand 和 Linda非常專業,他們擁有豐富製造皮夾的經驗。他們的專業知識通過剪裁和製作得到證明。金馬的產品都是物超所值,金馬是非常值得推薦。

Anonymous, United States


[Chinese Version]

[English Version]
It has been my wish for years to have a leather jacket exactly like the one worn by Gerry in P.S. I love you. Several months ago, a casual search online led me to Kam Ma Leather Garments Workshop, as well as the pleasure of getting to know Bonnie, Raymand and Linda. Thanks to Bonnie’s detailed analysis of the design of Gerry’s jacket, as well as Linda’s and Raymand’s professional input and exquisite craftsmanship, it took no more than 20 days for the jacket to be recreated - a jacket which had only appeared in movies with none for sale on the market - with remarkable precision in the production process. Now I really look forward to the winter so I can wear this beautiful jacket as much as I want, and reminisce about the movie’s romantic scenes. Thank you Kam Ma

Sunny C., Hong Kong

They make my wish come true.

Hi. This is George who is the owner of this Trench Coat. First of all, I need to say Thank you so much to They make my wish come true. As you guys know, if you are a big fat guy. You are not easy to buy a Trench Coat as the body shape cannot fit it. But if you can find, they can measure your body size and let you choose the colors, materials....etc, to make your dream Coat. They are very professional to make the leather clothes and you will love it. I will wear this when I go to Japan. Thanks

George, Hong Kong


我認識金馬的Raymand及Linda都是好偶然的。最初是抱著試做的心態。 第一條半腰皮裙仍未知他们的真章。一切由一件女大蟒蛇皮衣及併搭的男皮衣開始。他们的最低要求是手工極緻,而剪裁的立體感就盡顯實力!要將一件成品能做出有靈魂有生命感的,這非單有實力才成。當中的心思全在制作中可見。我佩服他们一直持着這信念而出發。希望他们堅守着。但我深信高要求的他们只會向前衝吧!

Judy W., Hong Kong


I received my cashmere bomber jacket in December and I just want to say that it is absolutely amazing, beautiful and fits perfectly! The build is phenomenal and I just can't stop wearing it. It is hands down one of the best jackets I have ever purchased. Special thanks to Raymand and Linda, the owners of the firm who have been super nice and helpful throughout the process.

Alvin, HK


I happen to know about the company via a friend of mine then I order it after I received the jacket is just the way I want it I am so happy with it and when my girl see me wearing it, she said Mam I want one please. So I think that enough to know how nice of a jacket it was.

B.J., Thailand


I came to Kam Ma with a very specific idea of what I wanted in a jacket, and they were able to fulfill my requests to their exact specifications. Linda and her team are masters at their craft, and the final product exceeded my expectations. If you have a garment idea in mind, Kam Ma can bring it to life.

Mr. Robert H., Hong Kong

美國 (USD $)